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Modern Slavery Act 2015

Revolutionising Business While Respecting Human Rights

While AI Venture X is at the forefront of AI-driven innovations, revolutionising industries from legal services to healthcare and education, we hold a deep-rooted commitment to ethical principles, including the fight against modern slavery. It’s not just about changing the way industries operate; it's about doing so responsibly.


Why This Matters in AI

AI and machine learning technologies often rely on vast datasets, some of which may be sourced or processed in regions where labour practices are questionable. By setting a strong ethical benchmark, we strive to ensure that our technological advancements do not inadvertently contribute to human rights abuses, including forced labour or any form of modern slavery.


Training: Ethical AI and Responsible Sourcing

Education is the first step towards prevention. We provide comprehensive training modules on the ethical dimensions of AI, aimed at our in-house team as well as our extensive supplier network, especially those contributing to data gathering, labelling, and processing.


Our Engagement in the Tech Community

As part of our commitment to a slave-free supply chain, we are active participants in ethical AI initiatives, focusing on best practices for data sourcing and machine learning fairness.


Hundreds of our team members and suppliers have gone through these training modules, reinforcing our commitment to ethical practices.


Collaborative Initiatives: A Collective Fight

While we have our own internal measures, fighting modern slavery is a collective responsibility.


  • We engage with AI ethics boards and contribute to open-source projects that focus on the responsible development of AI.

  • We collaborate with human rights organisations to assess and audit our supply chain and operational practices, particularly concerning data management and sourcing.


By aligning our cutting-edge technology with strong ethical foundations, we aim not just to revolutionise industries but also to set a precedent for responsible and ethical conduct in the AI sector.


Join us in this critical mission. Let’s make the future of AI not just smart, but also just.

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